The most people are still lying on one ear.
Waking up before the alarm clock is something special for me.
Wonderfully in the early morning light, daylight breaks through in peace.
My to-do list hangs in front of me on the weekly schedule.
In between, continue with the Mediterranean quest where the sun shines fresh and fruity.
Money makes the world go around.
Finding something suitable online is reduced by the large revenue models. Or when
you see some accommodations you are surprised at the rental prices or the locations that are filled with apartments.
Most of it looks nice in photos, but in real life it often leaves much to be desired.
The saying goes 'seek and you will find' and so it happened. To have discovered a beautiful spot for a period to freshen the lungs without pollen. Not Spain, Italy,
France but in beautiful Greece with a house by the sea.
After a long search I found 'THE GOLDEN EGG'.
With joy I prepare the BEERPORKBELLY with the end result being that it tastes golden.