In my area, the supermarkets have a limited variety of vegetables.
Creativity in recipes and cooking is sometimes a challenge.
So it's nice to be self-sufficient and being outside gives you energy.

The preparation and patience to get the vegetable garden "vegetable-ready" pays off. The end result is a real treat for the taste buds.
At different times of the year, it is special to see something delicious come out of something small from the ground. Naturally juicy wonders! 

After Hans' loving care, so much fresh produce is ready for use. Just like our walnut and fruit trees.

The water runs in my mouth at the thought of what you can do with them.
A fresh delicacy to try and the many varieties to prepare: fragrant fresh pies. Fresh jams, sambals, soups, salads. And like the delicious cabbage that in summer also makes its appearance as a stew. So many goodies, too many to mention from the festive garden paradise!
Hans' gardening is like gold, everything he touches blooms and grows like fresh love.