JENS cozy brother Roland

Mes Amis.
Welcome to my ARTICLES and nice of you to follow me here too. 
Perhaps I can delight, enrich or please you with them.
Everything about food and fine wines, the common thread in my life. From my knowledge and
experience to share this with you, gives double pleasure. This ties in closely with JENs KookFun🍯JENs happily shares her recipes & cooking creations and I monthly share my ARTICLES.
Culinary greetings, Roland 🍱

Own Signature and Taste.

Tastes differ and that's just the way it is! You can interpret tastes in various ways.
You just don't like it. For example, liver in whatever form prepared (fried or as a spread). On the other hand
you like to be roused from your sleep at night for a hefty slice of Veal Liverpâté or Foie Gras d'Oie (Foie Gras d'Oie).
How so? Liver flavour has taken on another dimension! 
I won't give an action on how it can be, we'll talk about that later in another article (Cooking & Chemistry). 

Actually, I want to talk about your own input (signature): 'Ohhh this is from grandma's recipe'. 'My mother's raw endive stew is the most delicious'. And so on and so forth.
Those who find cooking a punishment faithfully follow a recipe. Doesn't matter whether it comes from the Libelle, Allerhande or as mother used to make it or in the positive case, a cookbook.
At least you used a base so as not to spoil the meal.
Actually very boring and the taste buds are not stimulated. In short, a culinary impoverishment.
Most lack imagination and taste, but are happy to fall back on some kind of base.
Suppose! You find cooking absolutely no punishment. Even stronger, actually find it fun or interesting and find it a feast.

The basics, a recipe, from whatever source. In this category of cooking enthusiasts, a diversity of creativity has emerged. There are those who find that their own contributions to the original recipe have already reached the pinnacle. Some are even very fanatical, the extremists. And you have those, who have published themselves as Culinary Architects. 
A little self-assurance is no disgrace, but a few walk among us.....
Ah, like everything else in the world, culinary (r)evolution is also taking place.

Various cooking clubs have sprung up.
Some try to outdo each other, others are all about being together and don't care who's next. There are also eating clubs where people fanatically evaluate what was eaten and how it was prepared. Usually a little miffed, due to the accompanying, extremely carefully selected wines. 'Jan always uses too many chillies, he puts them in everything'. 'Truus always cooks with a minimum of salt'. Wim always talks about the presence of acidity in his dishes'. And so on and so forth.
The nice thing is that everyone has their own recognisability in cooking. A flawless combination of taste and imagination.
Of course, no commodity knowledge should be missing and one should be looking for a nice flavour balance.

Why I started about this as the first article is because in the following articles, with whatever theme, a recipe follows.
Most recipes actually came about by chance. Other recipes after diligent experimentation or secretly copied and (of course) improved.